Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana Online Application Form
Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana Online Application Form in Gujarat 2020 | Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana Online Application Form Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar shram safely awas yojana | Pradhan Mantri awas yojana | Ambedkar awas yojana status | pmay-g registration form | Ambedkar Awas yojana 2020 list | Pradhan Mantri awas yojana 2020 | awas yojana gujarat | scheduled caste welfare department gujarat | niradhar Sahay yojana | ketal shed yojana gujarat | Makan repairing form | www pmaymis gov in 2020.
The purpose of the scheme Scheduled Caste Homeless, Open Plot, Uninhabitable Raw Mud and to build a house on the first floor 1,20,000 is paid in three installments. Out of Rs. 1,20,000 assistance, first installment – Rs. 40,000, second installment – Rs. 60,000 and third installment – Rs.20,000/- will be given to beneficiary.
- Aadhar card of the applicant
- Ration card
- Election credentials
- Example of applicant’s caste / sub-caste
- Example of total annual income of the applicant
- Proof of Residence: (Electricity Bill, License, Lease Agreement, Copy of Election Card
- Back passbook / canceled check (applicant’s name)
- Land Ownership Base / Document / Size Form / Rights Form / Charter Form (as applicable).
Copy of the map showing the area of the land on which the building is to be constructed, signed by Talati-cum-Minister.Building construction lot
Apply Online And Application Form
Application Form:
Steps for Online Application
1. Register Yourself
2. Login & Update Profile
3. Apply For the Scheme
4. Submit Your Application
Ambedkar awas yojna assistance amount, Ambedkar awas yojana beneficiary status, Ambedkar awas yojana for Rural areas, Ambedkar awas yojna for Urban areas, Ambedkar awas yojna Form, Ambedkar awas yojna Gujarat, Ambedkar awas yojana Online Application, Ambedkar awas yojna pdf form, Ambedkar awas yojna status, baba saheb Ambedkar yojna 2020
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Vijay Chauhan
vc9818953@gmail, com
Hatehpura Akola