Recruitment of Special Educator for Education of Children with Disabilities.
1861 for Class 1 to 5 and 1139 for Class 6 to 8 Total 3000 Recruitment of Special Educator (Gujarati Medium) Advertisement will be published in Newspapers on 15/02/2024 and Candidates from 19/02/2024 to 28 Can apply online through website during /02/2024.
It’s a GPS based app to track the progress of Children with Special Needs(CwSN)
Divyaan App- It’s a GPS based app to track the progress of Children with Special Needs (CwSN) Enrollment, Attendance, Individualized Education Plan (IEP), UDID, provision of Aids & Appliances, Girls’ stipend, Transport & Escort Allowance, etc. The application would organize data at one place and the reports generated would support the decision making at different levels.

Prashast app for Disability Screening Checklist for Schools
All disability conditions are not visibly identifiable. Given the lack of a uniform Disability Screening Checklist for Schools that covers the 21 disabilities as per the RPWD Act 2016 and acting on the vision of NEP 2020, NCERT has developed the Disability Screening Checklist for Schools and a mobile app PRASHAST i.e. “Pre Assessment Holistic Screening Tool” for schools. PRASHAST app will help for school based screening of 21 disability conditions recognized in RPwD Act 2016, and generate the school-level report, for further sharing with the authorities for initiating the certification process, as per guidelines of Samagra Shiksha – a flagship integrated program for school and teacher education under the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, Government of India.