GVK Emergency Management And Research Institute has recruited for the vacant Posts for Project Coordinator,Lab Technician, Medical Officer Posts. If you are qualified as per norms pass then you are able to apply this form GVK Emergency Management And Research Institute Has recruited GVK EMRI Project Coordinator,Lab Technician, Paramedic & Lab Technician for the qualified and interested candidates form GVK EMRI Bharti. Candidates who are eligible for this recruitment can apply on the official website http://www.emri.in/. eligible candidates who are willing, apply before the last date.

Organaization Name: GVK EMRI
Posts Name: Medical Officer, Lab Tchnician
Selection Process: Interview
Job Location: Gujarat
Gujarat 108 Emergengy Recruitment
If you want to get information about all government jobs happening in Gujarat, you can get information through our website. Get information about the latest and upcoming jobs in All india GVK EMRI Bharti 2024.
Education Qualification
- Project Co-ordinator: Graduate In Science & Master Degree
- Medical Officer: BHMS/BAMS
GVK EMRI Recruitment Application Process
- You have to first go to the official website
- Get all the information about the application form
- If form is offline then apply offline and if form is online then apply online
- If the form is offline then download the application form then apply
- The documents which are required to apply the form can be seen by visiting the official website
- Required documents should be self-attested after filling the application form correctly
- The envelope containing the application form should be superscribed with the correct address and should be sent to the following address.
GVK 108 Recruitment Selection Process
- Written exam Efficiency test [physical] Medical examination Doc.verification Interview Note document verification make bases preference of posts.
Important Dates
- Interview Date : 08 Jan 2024
Important Link
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